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The following guidelines are intended for all presenters participating in parallel sessions at the upcoming conference, BizFAME2023, IMDeC2023 and ICCPLI. It is to assist the presenters in preparing for their respective presentations.


1. It is important to note that every parallel session will be conducted via the Cisco Webex platform. Therefore, it is recommended that presenters become acquainted with the platform to ensure the seamless delivery of their presentations.


2. To ensure a smooth start to your presentation, it is advised that as a presenter, you log in to Cisco Webex session 10 minutes prior to the designated start time. In case the chairperson is not present, you will be placed in a waiting room/lobby until the session begins.


3. As a presenter, you will be granted permission to share your screen during the session. The session chair will commence the session by introducing the session format and guidelines, which are outlined in point (a-c) below.


a) Presenters are required to prepare a maximum of 15 minutes presentation slides in Power Point Format (*.ppt  / *.pptx).

b) Please use the provided conference PowerPoint slide template.







c) Please use KICSS2023 conference Virtual Background in Cisco Webex.


​4. It is crucial that presenters adhere to the allocated time limit for their presentation, to ensure that sufficient time is available for Q&A sessions after all presentations have been delivered. In adherence to this principle, the session chair will pause presentations at the 15-minute mark.


5. While presentations are being delivered, both presenters and participants have the option of posing questions to the session chair through the chat feature. The session chair will compile these queries for Q&A session. Attendees are also encouraged to direct questions to other presenters during this period.


6. To facilitate a seamless Q&A session, the session chair will prompt attendees to unmute themselves before posing their questions. The session chair will call upon presenters in the order specified on the conference website during each parallel session. Be prepared if you are next in line.

BizFAME                IMDeC                ICPPLI

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